



Methandrostenolon View larger


Methandrostenolon Russia is oral steroid. Pack has 200 tablets and 1 tablet contains 5 mg of methandienone oral.

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26 €

759 Items

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    Therapeutic Application

    Conditions associated with a negative nitrogen balance, which is necessary to promote protein anabolism, or prevent protein catabolism (following burns, by prolonged convalescence, the heavy operations in infectious and febrile illness;.), In combination in the treatment of osteoporosis in women in the treatment of heavy breast cancers, adrenal androgen substitution in Addison's disease in children with growth delay in puberty, supportive treatment of some chronic diseases etc.


    This preparation was developed in late 50s and will shortly become the most popular abused anabolic-androgenic agents athletes from various disciplines. It has a strong anabolic (as well as androgenic) effect, which is reflected in the rapid increase in strength and muscle mass. It is alleged that in the first weeks of this composition can be reported weekly 1-2 kg gain quality muscle, and this trend persists even 4-6 weeks. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that significantly improves the appetite. However aromatized very easily, which means that a substantial part converted to estrogen, which causes the typical problems specific to the use of compositions of this type. Moreover, belongs to the group of 17-alpha-alkylated steroids, from which it is clear that it is highly toxic to the liver. For anabolic potential consumers there's information from one study to methandienone - confirmed that after 10 days of intake of 10 mg doses causes reduction of natural testosterone production by 40%, so there is the wonder, after its discontinuation recorded fast loss of strength, but also the weight. Is not only due mostly eliminated due methandienone water retention, but also a slow return to normal levels in the body's own production of testosterone. Finally, some of the therapeutic practice - effective means of increasing calcium and vitamin D, while reducing it tetracyclines.

    Abused Benefits

    They differ depending on whether the consumer is doping bodybuilder, weightlifter, putter or discus. Moreover, as nearly all anabolic-androgenic steroids, even when it exists so strong. "wearing off phenomenon" (effective means for long term administration despite ever increasing dose decreases). Known are statements that certain long Doping sinners use and more than 100 mg daily dose without been substantial progress, but anabolic beginners at the beginning and 5-15 mg brought an incredible improvement. In the foreign literature were published opinions that increasing abuse of doses above 40 mg and 100 kg in weighing borcov is open nonsense, because in this case (as in many others) naturally exists ratio higher dose = better result. Similarly, long-term abuse produces hardly any results. From the published information on the composition it is clear that are often misused in combination with a less toxic injectable anabolic-androgenic steroids type nandrolone decanoate and phenylpropionate. When requesting the increase in mass is often abused in combination with testosterone mix means, and if the requirements to increase strength and size, it is a combination of means oxandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone undecanoate, but also means a harder type of oxymetholone. Also interesting is the information that methandienone is very fit for pre-competitive period, as strong aromatization may hinder fat loss in addition there is a large water retention resulting in flat design muscles.


    Tablets containing 1 mg, 5 mg, gel containing 0.5%.

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