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Mastabol 100 British Dragon is injectable steroid. A vial has 10 ml and contains 100 mg in 1 ml of Drostanolone Propionate.
449 Items
Mastabol 100 is actually a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, drostanolone propionate resulting in high demand feature-flavored or at high doses. It belongs to anabolic-androgenic steroids in pre-competition period as a result of its application is reportedly brutal muscle hardness and density, Mastabol 100 is provided that the builder has drostanolone propionate reached a very low percentage of subcutaneous fat. Available information suggests that drostanolone propionate is abused in volume periods, especially those doping with consumers who have problems with the use Mastabol 100 of flavoring drostanolone propionate easy resources or funds are geared to low-or no hepatotoxicity. However, the muscle gains, or gains in strength, are not particularly dramatic.
The published information shows that the Mastabol 100 is being misused approximately 4 weeks before the competition, in doses from 100 to 300 (mg) per week. Naturally, in this Mastabol 100 case doping consumers often resort to combination with other agents. Frequently it is the testosterone propionate, oxandrolone, stanozolol, drostanolone propionate, trenbolone, and methenolone enanthate.
The application Mastabol 100 is again marked by signs side of which stands the risk of very strong acne and a rapid hair loss.
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