


Tamoxifen Tablets Swiss Remedies

Sale! Tamoxifen Tablets Swiss Remedies View larger


Subname: Tamoxifen 10mg

Contents: 10mg/tab Tamoxifen (100 tablets)

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34 €

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    Therapeutic application of Tamoxifen: advanced breast cancer therapy in postmenopausal women with hormone-dependent tumors, including post-operative conditions.

    Tamoxifen Tablets Swiss Remedies Description: In the introduction to the book, I mentioned that doping sinners (and not just bodybuilders) are trying to eliminate the undesirable effects that can break out after the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids. The result of aromatization is an unusually high level of estrogen. There are a large number of estrogen receptors in the breasts of men and women that respond to increased estrogen levels, for example by breast enlargement - gynecomastia. In addition, there are other feminizing expressions, such as storing fat in the hips area, which is definitely for men, proud of their muscles, is nothing pleasant. The anti-estrogen of tamoxifen citrate blocks these estrogen receptors in the infected body tissue and prevents estrogen-receptor binding. It is clear that they do not prevent the aromatization of anabolic-androgenic steroids (as many doping sinners think), but by their properties they only try to eliminate things that could arise just as a result of aromatization. Therefore, it is very likely that after the withdrawal of tamoxifen citrate the high level of estrogen will get a chance to manifest. Many doping sinners, therefore, also combine this agent with the cherolon.

    You may be wondering when the tamoxifen citrate is being misused. In the available literature, his name is mentioned in one line, with massive use of methandienone, oxymetholone and virtually all the testosterone-based agents. A body, literally overwhelmed by various means, but may not always respond to tamoxifen citrate. Materials known to have a strong increase in estrogen levels caused by the use of this composition are known. And to make sure there is not enough bad news, I have one more - there is also the possibility of weakening the anabolic effect by applying tamoxifen citrate to some types of anabolic androgenic steroids with low androgenic effect.

    The side effects of tamoxifen citrate (Tamoxifen Tablets Swiss Remedies) at low doses are not mentioned; at higher doses (over 30 mg), stomach up to nausea, general dullness and numbness, and severely impaired vision are reported. Finally, a remark - gynecomastia, if developed, is generally not cured, and the only way to get rid of it is an operative procedure.

    Tamoxifen Tablets Swiss Remedies dosage: There is again some information about abusive abilities in foreign literature - during a cycle after 4 weeks from the beginning of the cycle in 2-3 weeks or at the same length at the end of the cycle. Daily doses range from 10-30 mg in one day.

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